Building Education Partnerships
September 13, 2010
Education partnerships are central to most education reform initiatives.
The Effects of Time on Student Success
September 7, 2010
Catherine Compton-Lilly offers a new case study that explores time as a context in which a low-income, African American boy defines himself as a particular type of student and literate person and was ultimately relegated to a particular school trajectory.
Allan Odden in the Powell Tribune
August 31, 2010
Allan Odden is working with the Wyoming Legislature’s Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration to improve statewide school testing (Powell Tribune, 31 Aug.).
Douglas Harris in the New York Times
August 31, 2010
Douglas Harris discusses the merits and limits of Value Added measurements (New York Times, 31 Aug.)
Enhancing Middle School Students’ Representational Fluency
August 30, 2010
A newly published study examines middle algebra school students’ representational fluency, or their ability to reason with and between multiple representations, using tabular, graphical, verbal, and symbolic representations of linear and nonlinear relations.
Richard Halverson in the Arbiter Online
August 23, 2010
Boise State University President Bob Kustra cites the book, “Rethinking Education in The Age of Technology,” by Allan Collins and Richard Halverson, saying it raises questions for the university as it maps an “agenda for innovation” (Arbiter Online, 23 August).
The Complex Mechanisms of Developing Journalistic Expertise
August 23, 2010
As bloggers and mobile phone eyewitnesses increasingly supplement the “news,” understanding how professional journalists develop their expertise is more important than ever.
Chris Thorn in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
August 22, 2010
Chris Thorn discusses new directions for the Value Added Research Center (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 22 August).
Geoffrey Borman in Education Week
August 17, 2010
Geoffrey Borman's evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform program is mentioned in a review of Supplemental Educational Services (Education Week, 17 August).
Culturally Relevant Teaching for Pre-K Mathematics
August 16, 2010
Students from non-White, non–middle class homes typically face school norms and expectations that don’t align with their experiences outside school.
How Does Desegregation Help Reduce the Achievement Gap?
August 15, 2010
Desegregating schools has long been considered a matter of equity, justice, and improved student achievement.
VARC Partners with Milwaukee Literacy Project
August 8, 2010
WCER’s Value-Added Research Center will serve as external evaluator for the newly funded Milwaukee Community Literacy Project,
Allan Odden in the Wisconsin State Journal
July 27, 2010
Allan Odden comments on the recent round of Race to the Top funding (Wisconsin State Journal, 27 July).
New Directions in Value-Added Research
July 26, 2010
WCER’s Value-Added Research Center (VARC) is working with Hillsborough County (Fla.) Public Schools to support and promote effective teaching
Doctoral Research Training Evolves
July 19, 2010
John Rudolph, department of Curriculum & Instruction, is beginning duties as as WCER’s Director of Graduate Training and the Doctoral Research Program.